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British Journal of Nursing Award Finalists
Specialist nurses from Newcastle have been shortlisted for the Continence Nursing category of this year’s British Journal of Nursing Awards.
The team, led by Nurse Consultant – Continence, Jackie Rees, was shortlisted for a major piece of collaborative work they were invited to work on with NHS Improvement.
The ‘UTI Collaborative’ project is a quality improvement programme, in partnership with Newcastle/Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) which really focuses on taking action to reduce urinary tract infections (UTIs) and Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTIs).
The project involved working with five Older Peoples Medicine wards at Freeman Hospital to introduce and embed new developments into practice, and to monitor the impact of the new changes. These included strategies to increase the understanding and awareness of what causes UTIs and CAUTIs, how to avoid them, how to recognise and diagnose them as early as possible, as well as timely removal of urethral catheters.
Project lead Jackie Rees says: “Because the new ways of working were introduced in specifically designated areas, the results have proved extremely meaningful and we’ve been able to clearly see how and why the developments have been so successful.
“The joined up working across the health care economy, from primary, secondary and tertiary care, has strengthened working partnerships with the CCG, and gained insight into how best practice initiatives can be shared and embedded between organisations.
“More importantly the changes in practice have helped improvements to patient care and hopefully the patient experience. The work has been shared locally and nationally and can be replicated across other organisations.”
The team comprises:
- Jackie Rees - Nurse Consultant Continence
- Allison Sykes - Senior Nurse (Practice Development - IPC)
- Lesley Bainbridge - Lesley Bainbridge - LeadNurse Frailty and Integration Newcastle Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group
- Angela Cobb - Matron for IPC
- Lucia Pareja-Cebrian – Director for IPC
Congratulations everyone and good luck on the night!
The British Journal of Nursing awards ceremony will take place on Friday 8 March 2019