
make a real difference

The Newcastle Hospitals is one of the largest and most specialist hospital Trusts in the UK employing around 16,000 staff and recognised nationally and internationally as a centre for healthcare excellence.

AdministrationFind out more
ApprenticeshipsFind out more
Clinical CodingFind out more
Day Treatment CentreFind out more
DietitiansFind out more
Domestic ServicesFind out more
Maternity Support WorkerHealthcare Support WorkersFind out more
Healthcare ScientistsFind out more
Information Management & TechnologyFind out more
Laboratory MedicineFind out more
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MidwiferyFind out more
Occupational TherapyFind out more
Operating Department PractitionerFind out more
OrthoptistFind out more
PhysiotherapyFind out more
RadiologyFind out more
ReservistFind out more
Speech and Language TherapyFind out more
Staff BankFind out more
Sterile ServicesFind out more
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