Your Career

Our Clinical Coding staff are part of the Trusts extensive Administrative Teams.

Clinical Coding

Our Clinical Coding staff are part of the Trusts extensive Administrative Teams. Clinical Coders record clinical information about every patient who is admitted to the Trust for treatment, investigating all aspects of their journey from start to finish.

Clinical Coders have access to clinical notes and extract clinical information in relation to the patient’s diagnoses, surgical procedures and clinical interventions. They then translate this information into clinical codes using national and international classifications and input onto the Trusts electronic patient administration system.

NHS Trusts rely on accurate clinical coding to ensure financial reimbursement for clinical care and clinical coded data is also used extensively in clinical research, healthcare planning, resource management and the study of diseases.

Clinical Coding Specialist/Team Leader

As a Clinical Coding Specialist/Team Leader your role is to assist the Service Manager in working closely with Clinical Directorates, Senior Clinicians promoting the importance of Clinical Coding and good quality data and its relation to Trust income and clinical research. A major part of the role is to manage the clinical coding team and develop effective relations with Clinicians and other personnel who use the Clinical Coding Service. Excellent communication and presentation skills is key to the Specialist role as is an extensive knowledge of medical terminology, anatomy and physiological terms and a knowledge of coding a wide range of clinical specialities. The Specialist role offers career advancement to qualified clinical coders and is essential to the Clinical Coding Service as clinically coded data has a major impact on Trust income and future funding.

Senior Clinical Coder

As a Senior Clinical Coder you will be highly motivated, enthusiastic with excellent communication skills and have gained Accreditation by passing the National Clinical Coding Qualification (NCCQ). You will be directly accountable for improving data quality through clinical engagement, ensuring the ongoing accuracy of clinical coded data and meeting the Trust’s strict contractual deadlines. You will also work with our Team Leads in provision of mentoring and supporting junior staff and will also assist in the internal audit process.Clinical Coding offers excellent career progression to anyone entering the profession and you will enjoy the on-going development opportunities that our department provides ensuring that you have the most up to date and advance clinical coding skills.Clinical Coders entering the profession will be taken through the trainee route over 3 years with all the relevant courses and qualifications funded by the Trust. Senior Clinical Coders have the opportunity to progress into team leaders, auditors, trainers and management positions

Clinical Coding Assistant

As a Clinical Coding Assistant you will offer administrative support to the Clinical Coders and Senior Team. Your role is crucial to the smooth running of the department with your main responsibility being to collect casenotes, track them using a computerised system and look for any notes that are missing. Communication and organisational skill are essential and you will be responsible in ensuring that the department achieves the strict contracting deadlines.

Your career path

Clinical Coders enter the profession as Trainee’s and within the first year will attend the Clinical Coding Standards Course. This provides training in the use of ICD10 and OPCS4 classifications, and also includes theory and practical coding, an introduction to Anatomy and Physiology and medical terminology.

Clinical Coders will then follow a development plan to complete the necessary training, acquire the skills, knowledge and practical work experience to become competent in clinical coding and be ready to sit the National Clinical Coding Qualification and achieve accreditation.

Meet our staff

Lesley | Clinical Coding Team Manager/Specialist

"No two days are the same in my job and I gain a great sense of job satisfaction knowing that I am contributing to a brilliant service that is Trust provides for its patients."

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David | Clinical Coder

"Friendly staff, opportunity for development and interesting work – what more could you need?"

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