Work Experience at Newcastle Hospitals
"I would like to say a huge thank you to all the everyone that gave up their time to explain things to me and help me gain a better understanding of what health and social care is like and reinforce my career choice". Work experience candidate, Medicine.
Newcastle Hospitals is one of the most successful teaching hospital trusts in the UK. We employ over 16,500 staff and are recognised nationally and internationally as a centre for healthcare excellence.
We are proud to offer work experience opportunities across many of our hospital sites, both clinically and non-clinically, to help inform career choices and inspire anyone looking to join Newcastle Hospitals.
With over 350 careers available in the NHS, work experience gives you the chance to better understand the skills and attributes needed in a particular job role.
Application process and guidance
Guidance on completing an application form can be found in our FAQ section below.
- If successful you will be allocated one placement opportunity only.
- This webpage is the only way to apply for a placement - please follow the application form link provided for each placement below.
- All applications are carefully reviewed so please make sure you include your passion and interest for the placement you're applying to.
- Your application must include a supporting reference from your careers advisor or teacher. If you are not in education, this should be from someone who can support your application and reasons for applying.
- You will be notified either way, via email, of the outcome of your application.
Please do not contact departments directly. We can only accept applications made following the links provided on our website.
Available opportunities:
Please complete this form to express your interest in Finance based work experience.
An opportunity to meet and shadow finance team members from multiple departments including Financial Services, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Capital, Tax and Treasury and Financial Management.
We cannot guarantee a placement however we will be in touch if we can support you.
Express your interest here
We are excited to offer the opportunity of a world of work tour or work experience placement (subject to availability), in Radiotherapy.
This is an expression of interest form, and we will be in touch if we’re able to support you.
Northern Centre for Cancer Care (NCCC), North Cumbria – apply here
All applications will be shared and reviewed by the Radiotherapy team.
Our application window is closed for the specialty areas listed below. New opportunities will be shared very soon.
Surgical Services (NO theatre access)
A 2-day placement observing our surgical and associated services team at the Freeman Hospital. This placement may include shadowing ward rounds, observing patient clinics and time spent with Foundation Year 1 Doctors.
To be eligible, you must demonstrate your passion and keen interest in surgery within your personal statement. This placement would benefit individuals who have carefully considered their future progression in medicine.
This placement will NOT include access or observation in theatre.
NHS Careers – Opportunities in Surgery
A 2 day placement to include an overview of life as a dental student, practical workshops and Q&A sessions with various members of the dental team.
Medicine 16+
A 2–3-day placement at one of our hospital sites (Freeman Hospital or RVI).
Please note, we will not consider requests for specific clinical specialities.
Please make sure your application demonstrates your keen interest in medicine as this will be reviewed as part of the application process.
Day Treatment Centre (DTC) – 18+ ONLY
A 3-day placement shadowing the full patient journey, from admissions to anaesthesia to theatre and discharge.
Our purpose-built day treatment centre provides space for thousands of additional procedures in specialities such as orthopaedics, urology, general surgery, neurology, plastic surgery and some cardiology services.
This opportunity is strictly open to individuals aged 18+.
NHS Careers – Operating Department Practitioner
Eligibility criteria
- You must live, work or study in Newcastle upon Tyne
- You must have a genuine interest Physiotherapy
- 18+ ONLY
Opportunities are available three times a year, in February, June, and October.
NHS Careers – Pharmaceutical Medicine
A 2-hour tour and insight into our Radiology suite at the Freeman Hospital. The tour will include CT and MRI scanning (subject to access) and x-ray.

Frequently asked questions?
How old do I have to be?
There is no maximum age for work experience, however the minimum age is 16 and to access theatres the minimum age is 18.
What type of placements are on offer?
Available placements will be shared on this page. If your area of interest isn’t listed, it is either unavailable right now or under review.
Will I be guaranteed a place?
While we cannot guarantee a placement we do our best to accommodate requests.
What do I need to bring?
Food or some money for lunch. We recommend sensible shoes as you will be on your feet for long periods. Please do not bring large bags as some clinical areas have limited storage space. Mobile phones are also not allowed in clinical areas.
How do I get there?
Newcastle Hospitals are best accessed by public transport as parking is limited. Find out more below:
> RVI Click Here
> Freeman Click here
How do I apply?
Application Form Guidance
The information you provide will support your application and help us find you a placement. Read and complete all relevant sections.
Fill the form in as completely and as clearly as possible so we can consider everyone on the same basis. Please note, completing an application does not guarantee you a placement with us. Opportunities are subject to availability and suitability.
Personal Details
Please enter your personal details fully and accurately so that we can contact you easily and quickly.
Emergency Contact
Please enter the details of someone we can contact in an emergency. We will use this information during a placement.
Additional Information About You
We want to ensure that we make our placements available to people that would most benefit from the experience. This section will help us understand your background.
We want to know if you have any relatives in our organisation so that we can ensure that we place you, if appropriate, in a different area.
Why You Have Chosen the Placement
In your answer you should talk about why you are interested in the placement and what you want to learn from it. Tell us about your future career plans and why you are interested in the NHS. We want to get to know you, so give examples of any interests, voluntary or paid work.
We have indicated a maximum of 250 words. Do not feel you have to reach this limit or worry if you go over by one or two words. This is a guide.
Supporting Statement
If you are attending school or college, ask a teacher or adviser to provide some information about your application, this could include what they think you might get from the placement, or future career plans.
If you do not attend school or college, please ask someone who can act as your referee to explain why you are suitable for a placement.
Remember to spellcheck your application and give it another check for inaccuracies before you send it to us.
Please note that we cannot guarantee every application will be successful and we reserve the right to cancel placements at short notice should clinical need dictate.