Your Career
The major investment we have made into our scanning facilities will ensure that every single patient who comes into our care can have direct access to the very latest diagnostic and treatment planning techniques, benefiting from rapid image processing times which means less time waiting to be seen.
Our Radiology teams provide an expert imaging service at the Freeman, Royal Victoria Infirmary and Walkergate Hospital, carrying out somewhere in the region of 340,000 examinations a year. There is 24/7 expert emergency and trauma imaging, including rapid access to CT scanning.
We receive patients from across the North East for the more complex examinations that are only carried out in our hospitals. Our highly specialised Consultant Radiologists are often asked to give second opinions on images referred by consultants from other local hospitals.
Our Radiology team also provides the Breast Screening Service for Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland, Derwentside and North Cumbria, examining nearly 50,000 women each year. In the latest national statistics the Newcastle Breast Screening Service was ranked in the top four in the country for clinical excellence.
We continue to invest in the most modern digital technology, so that healthcare professionals using our service have instant access to images and results for their patients. We are currently rolling out a programme offering GPs in Newcastle immediate, secure access to their patients’ imaging results, allowing your doctor to treat you faster and better.
Our Radiology team also hosts nationally recognised and highly successful training programmes for Radiologists and Radiographers from across the UK.
Search Jobs
Diagnostic radiographer
Diagnostic radiographers use the latest technology to look inside the body in different ways. You'll use a range of imaging technology and techniques to work out what disease or condition is causing a patient’s illness. Such as x-ray to look through tissues to examine bones, cavities and foreign objects, fluoroscopy to see a real time image of the digestive system and CT (computed tomography) which provides views of cross-sections of the body, just to name a few.

Therapeutic radiographer
Therapeutic radiography is an exciting and varied career. It offers you the chance to make a difference, a high degree of flexibility and excellent employment prospects. You’ll work with patients every day to help improve their care and their lives. The difference you make to your patients’ lives is one of the most exciting things about being a therapeutic radiographer. As well as seeing different patients and conditions you’ll also have the opportunity to work in a multi-disciplinary team working closely with doctors, nurses, medical physicists and engineers in an oncology team. You may supervise the work of radiography assistants.
Radiography assistants and imaging support workers
Radiography assistants and imaging support workers help radiographers diagnose and treat patients.
As a radiography assistant or imaging support worker, you'll work with both types of radiographer to:
- process film images
- order stocks of consumable items
- help with procedures such as biopsies
- make sure the working environment is clean and hygienic
- prepare patients for treatment, including lifting patients
- check the equipment and report faults
- input data
Case Studies
Charlotte | Trainee Consultant Radiographer
Charlotte is one of our Trainee Consultant Radiographer within the Breast Unit. She says 'I love the practical aspect of this post; I am undertaking procedures that were once only performed by Radiologists.'
Elisabeth | Paediatric Sonographer
Elisabeth is one of our paediatric sonographer's within the Ultrasound department. She say's 'Our Trust encourages staff to pursue further training and development which overall contributes to being able to provide a better patient service.'