Your Career
Finance is part of everything the NHS does.
Our finance team are a talented, passionate team of people, committed to providing the best care and treatment to patients using data to understand where money can best be invested to have the greatest impact. Ensuring those who are providing front-line clinical care are paid on time and have access to the medicines and equipment they need to provide the best levels of care.
There are several routes into NHS finance and once in, all individuals can access support to work towards professional qualifications. We offer opportunities from apprenticeships through to Graduate training schemes with development opportunities available to support you in achieving career goals.
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Consider some of the options below
If you think you would enjoy a technical accounting role, consider:
• Accountancy Assistant
• Debtors Clerk
• Finance Assistant
• Income Accountant
If you think you would enjoy working with clinicians to support development of service and quality of patient care, think about:
• Directorate Finance Manager
• Management Accountant
• Assistant Accountant
• Finance Business Partner
If you think you would prefer to work in a wider strategic role, consider:
• Chief Finance Officer
• Deputy Finance Director
• Assistant Finance Director
Other roles associated with our finance team include:
• Counter Fraud office
• Charity Finance Officer
For further information on careers within NHS finance see:
Our Roles
Technical Accounting
Accountancy Assistant
The Accountancy assistant holds an integral role in the day-to-day operation of the Financial Services department taking pride in the delivery of a consistently high-quality service to the Trust.Financial Services Department teams often have various needs and demands, Accountancy Assistants must work flexibly to assist in the co-ordination and control of activities within Financial ServicesTo meet the demands Accountancy Assistants, ensure that transactions relating to the Trust’s activities are processed in a timely manner actively assist in the collection or payment of monies relating to the Trust’s Activities and take immediate action in any remedial adjustments required to ensure the accurate financial recording of the Trust’s activities.
Debtors Clerk
Debtors Clerks provide support to the accounts receivable function of financial services in the process, administrating and recovery of income due to the Trust Debtors Clerk will ensure the timely processing of Notifications of Debts for the trust leading to the creation of an invoice. The Debtors Clerk will then issue the invoices and support the Debtor to ensure a timely recovery of the income. This role requires excellent internal and external communication skills, rapport building, judgement skills and organisation, to be able to meet the demands of the Receivables activities and supporting the debtors of the trust.
Finance Assistant
A Finance Assistants work is catered to help develop the required skills to assist in the day-to-day operation of the Financial Services section ensuring the delivery of a consistently high-quality service to the Trust, Finance Assistants often add value by providing support to Accountancy Assistants with the delivery of Financial Services Tasks.Their roles can vary greatly and may include the following. Ensuring that all Debtors cash received into the organisation is allocated correctly using receipting best practices. They may actively assist in the recovery of income due to the Trust. Alternatively Finance Assistant may also help Accounts payable and assist in compliance with Better Payment Practice and the NHS Cash Management Policy, ensuring invoices are entered onto the NEP Finance system.
Income Accountant
The Trust has an annual revenue income of circa £1.3 billion. You are responsible for all aspects of high-quality income accounting. You are involved in producing the Trust’s annual income plan as well as monitoring income against this in-year. Monthly income statements and forecasts are prepared to report to the Trust’s Board as well as NHS England and NHS Improvement. At the end of each financial year, you prepare the income section of the Annual Financial Accounts and respond to audit queries. You help with overall management and effective operation of the Income team.
Service and Quality Patient Care Support
Directorate Finance Manager
The Directorate Finance Manager works closely with senior departmental managers as their financial advisor, engaging directly with them interpreting data and providing a forward-facing finance view helping the decision-making processes, developing strategic plans, and driving cost improvement efficiencies. They effectively interact with Corporate Finance functions, providing information and detail to evaluate and monitor the financial consequence of developments and activity trends. Playing a lead role in the development of financial awareness within the Trust.
Management Accountant
Your will be responsible for managing a team of accountants to deliver a high-quality finance service. You will be a qualified accountant with specialist knowledge of NHS finance regime with experience of working for a complex organisation. You will be responsible for planning and arranging complicated programmes and activities using your excellent communication skills with a flexible approach often with the senior leaders of the organisation.
Assistant Accountant
You will assist with the provision of a high-quality finance service within the organisation. You will pro-actively provide timely and accurate financial information and advice ensuring that financial controls are maintained with Corporate Governance Guidelines. You will work closely with Directorate teams to ensure effective monitoring of Directorate and Department’s financial position showing your strong communication skills. We are looking for a flexible part-qualified accountant who can work autonomously with excellent excel skills.
Finance Business Partner
Finance Business Partner Job Overview
Strategic Role
Chief Finance Officer
The Chief Finance Officer is at the heart of the organisation’s management structure and plays a key role in corporate decision making, ensuring the organisation gets best value from its limited resources. By being a member of the Executive Team and Trust Board, they provide guidance and expertise necessary to shape decisions taken across the organisation in line with strategic ambitions. Working closely with the Chief Executive, the CFO acts as an organisational ambassador and leads the finance function in ensuring delivery of cost-effective services. They are integral in building relationships, collaborative partnerships and facilitating joint working regionally. The CFO effectively engages with NHSE/I and the Department of Health and Social Care, ensuring that the Trust is well represented nationally, good practice is shared, and that we influence the development of national policy.
Deputy Finance Director
The Assistant Finance Directors are responsible for specific areas: Planning, Financial Services, Financial Management, Income and Research amongst their duties include the production of the trusts Annual Financial Plan and the production of monthly Board reports and ad hoc financial information, in addition they coordinate the numerous monitoring returns for submission to regulators. The AFD’s contributes to the development and implementation of financial strategy enabling the Trust to meet its business goals and to achieve financial targets. Providing comprehensive financial advice and support to executive directors, clinical and departmental/directorate managers and other senior staff thus facilitating effective management and financial control within the Trust.
Assistant Finance Director
The Assistant Finance Director is responsible for the production of the trusts Annual Financial Plan and supports the Chief Finance Officer in the production of monthly Board reports and ad hoc financial information, in addition they coordinate the numerous monthly monitoring returns for submission to regulators. The AFD contributes to the development and implementation of financial strategy enabling the Trust to meet its business goals and to achieve financial targets. Providing comprehensive financial advice and support to executive directors, clinical and departmental/directorate managers and other senior staff thus facilitating effective management and financial control within the Trust.
Other Finance Roles
Counter Fraud Officer
Working as an integral part of the Fraud Team, your role will be to help protect the Trust from fraud, bribery, and corruption through the delivery of the Annual Fraud Plan. You will be investigating suspicions of fraud, as well as undertaking work to proactively identify fraud in high-risk areas. You will be professionally accredited, and your work will be compliant with relevant investigatory legislation (e.g. PACE, CPIA, HRA, DPA).
Charity Finance Officer
You will assist with the provision of a high-quality finance service within Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals Charity. You will pro-actively provide timely and accurate financial information and advice ensuring that financial controls are maintained in line with Charity Governance. You will work closely with the Charity Team to ensure effective monitoring of grants awarded and ensuring accurate fund balances, allowing the charity’s financial position to be reported through strong communication skills.