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Pictured: Q1 Winners Kerry Camara and Head and Neck, ENT Speciality Team from the Freeman Hospital
Personal Touch Award winners 2018 for the first quarter announced
The Trust's Personal Touch Awards gives us the opportunity to recognise and celebrate the outstanding efforts of our staff and volunteers, who ensure that each patient we see received healthcare at its very best – with a personal touch.
We are delighted to announce that the winners for the first quarter's Personal Touch awards are:
Q1 Individual Winner
Nurse Specialist in the Education Diabetes Paediatric Endocrinology Speciality, Kerry Camara, has been awarded with a Personal Touch Award.
Kerry was nominated for the award by a patient in the Type 1 diabetes service, who has been in the service for nearly 10 years, for her caring, understanding and kind approach.
Highlighted in the nomination, was how Kerry was able to cheer up the patient, despite feeling often sad about having diabetes:
They said: “Sometimes when I go to the clinic I am in a bit of a grumpy mood, but Kerry understands and cheers me up. Furthermore, she teaches me a lot more about my condition and comforts me if it makes me sad.
"Kerry organises annual Type 1 days at the Centre for Life which are really fun and I have made lots of new friends there.”
The patient also outlined how Kerry went out of her way to help her when she had forgotten a piece of equipment for her diabetes machine, which was needed for the patient to go on holiday:
“When I was on holiday in Germany, we visited an island and I left my pricker (part of my medical kit) there, but Kerry posted a new one all the way to our camp!”
Congratulations Kerry!
Pictured: Kerry Camara, Nurse Specialist in the Education Diabetes Paediatric Endocrinology Speciality and Louise Robson, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Business and Development

Q1 Team Winner
The staff in the Head & Neck, ENT speciality, at the Freeman Hospital have been rewarded with a Personal Touch Team Award for the multidisciplinary and outstanding care they provided to a patient who was very frightened about their first visit to hospital. The team were nominated by the wife and family of Kevin Cheetham who recently received treatment for a rare form of cancer.
Outlined in the nomination it said: “Without these very, very dedicated, professional people in their fields, I would not have Kevin here today.
"Their commitment, care and ability to make you not quit comes first. Secondly, communication with us was clear and understandable from start to finish, with the courage to speak on our part to the team to get help for Kevin when needed.
Most of all was their compassion for the individual, which was how Kevin felt - as if it was all about him.”
The nomination also outlined how this experience of care extended beyond the care received by the patient and their family and was clear throughout the entire department.
Congratulations to the Head and Neck, ENT speciality team at the Freeman!
Pictured: Head and Neck, ENT Speciality Team, Freeman Hospital and Louise Robson, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Business and Development

Personal Touch Awards
Our ‘Personal Touch Awards’ are a staff/volunteer recognition scheme to allow us to express our gratitude and celebrate outstanding efforts of our staff and volunteers every single day, who ensure each patient we see receives healthcare at its very best – with a personal touch.
The scheme helps us to identify and celebrate those Trust staff and volunteers who ‘make us proud’ and best represent the Trust values. If you would like to nominate a member of our staff.