Case studies

Amelia is one of our Apprentice Domestic Assistants based at the Freeman Hospital

Emilia | Apprentice Domestic Assistant

Domestic Services, Freeman

What does the job involve?

to keep wards clean to the  highest standards, also departments in the hospital.

What you love about your job?

Meeting patients, staff, visitors

Proudest moment so far?

Working for the NHS. When I started working for the Freeman 4 ½ years ago.

Any tips for finding a job that you love?

You have to be very confident and keep trying as well as be strong minded.

Tell us about any travel and / or unusual aspects of the job

I am able to come to work by bus, there is also a hopper service for staff who work on other sites. We get asked a lot by patients to do jobs which are jobs for a nurse. We assist as much as we can however many tasks require us to ask a member of the nursing staff to do what the patient has asked.

What are your usual working hours?

7 ½ hour days 5 days a week. 7:30-3:30

What training is needed for your job?

On the job training, working with domestic supervisor as well as working alongside qualified domestics on the wards.

Why should someone come and work in your department?

Working for the NHS you get to meet a variety of people from all different religions and countries. It’s a rewarding position with lots of responsibility.

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