Case studies

Jayne is a Staff Nurse on one of our Ophthalmology Wards at the RVI's Newcastle Eye Centre

Jayne | Staff Nurse

Newcastle Eye Centre

"I feel I am a valued member of a great team"

I am a staff nurse working on a busy ophthalmic ward where I have worked since qualifying in September 2013. 

I came to the Newcastle Hospitals having completed my three years of training at another local Trust. I was attracted to Newcastle by its long-standing reputation for high quality care and knowing that the Newcastle Eye Centre - one of the largest eye centres in the United Kingdom - was based here.

How did you feel about joining Newcastle's Ophthalmology Department?

I was initially nervous about changing Trusts and having to learn different systems and ways of working, however this nervousness quickly disappeared. From my first day, my colleagues have been welcoming, supportive and friendly. 

What support did you get from the Trust?

I was given a thorough induction to the Trust and the systems they use. I was also encouraged to attend the Trust Preceptorship Course, which helped enormously with the transition from student nurse to staff nurse in the clinical setting, helping me to achieve the standards the Trust expects.

I was given an initial super-numeric period of six weeks which I was able to renegotiate with my ward manager if I felt I required longer. However, with the allocation of a Preceptorship Mentor combined with the Preceptorship course, I was able to achieve the Trust's principles. 

Standards in communication, personal and people development, health, safety and security, service improvement, quality and equality and diversity were achieved and as a result I felt an extension to the super numeric period was unnecessary.

What other development opportunities have you received?

Since qualifying I have also completed the Foundations of Ophthalmology module at a local university and gained a further 20 Credits towards my next qualification. The Trust has been very encouraging with my continued professional development and I am currently in the process of applying to complete the Mentorship module and an Advanced Assessment module which will help me to achieve a Graduate Certificate.

Overall my employment at Newcastle has been extremely positive. I feel I am a valued member of a great team, working in a fantastic environment, doing a job I love - definitely worth the three challenging years at university!

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