Case studies

Kim is our Head of Service – Clinical Technologist based within Nuclear Medicine at the RVI and Freeman

Kim | Head of Service – Clinical Technologist

Nuclear Medicine

'Patients come first! The most enjoyable part is the people – patients and staff'

A Clinical Technologist role is to:

  • Manufacture and administer radiopharmaceuticals safely and effectively. Following protocols and guidance.
  • Perform all aspects of Nuclear Medicine which includes imaging and non-imaging investigations.  Administration of radiopharmaceuticals.
  • Co-ordinate patient appointments taking into account any preparation required and special needs, e.g. learning disabilities.
  • Co-ordinate high standards of care with a team made up of Technologists, Nurses, Clinical Scientists, Radiologists and Receptionists.
  • Process, analyse and report certain patient studies.
  • Perform research and audit.
  • Provide radiation protection advice.
  • Provide teaching and training to staff and trainees.
  • Communicate with a team of staff on a regular basis – Doctors, Nurses, porters etc.

What do you love about your job?

Patients come first! The most enjoyable part is the people – patients and staff. My role now as a Manager can be quite challenging at times. One of my responsibilities is co-ordinating service development e.g. a new imaging protocol. Another is Production Manager for the Radiopharmacy across site – RVI and FRH. This involves that that we adhere to national legislation which can change regularly and ensure the staff are kept up to speed.

What has been your proudest moment so far?

Probably when I became Head of Service across site (RVI & FRH).

Any tips for finding a job that you love?

Attend a careers event at the local hospital. Use the internet to find out more. Contact our professional body – IPEM as there are lots of interesting scientific careers available.
Contact your local department for work experience (Year 12 and above).

Tell us about any unusual aspects of the job

On occasion you do get to attend a national conference and you are encouraged to present either by poster or by PowerPoint. Keep the Newcastle flag flying! Being able to process the imaging ready for report. See the functional imaging. Attending the paediatric nephrology MDT meeting to see how our imaging/tests fit in to a patients continuing care.

What are your usual working hours?

37.5 hours per week Mon – Fri, occasional weekend work required

What training is needed for your job?

A Practitioner Training Programme - 3 year degree course incorporating a competency portfolio
Basic Radiography degree – 3 years and 1 year’s attendance to obtain a PG Diploma in Nuclear Medicine
In the past we have recruited people with relevant scientific degrees and then they have attended University for 1 year to gain a PG Diploma in Nuclear Medicine and completed a competency portfolio (IPEM).

Why should someone come and work in your department?

Variety – there is a rota and each week you are performing a different task whether it’s in the radiopharmacy manufacturing the radiopharmaceuticals or administering by injection or imaging patients on the gamma camera, 2 cameras have the facility to perform localising CT scans.

Team – we are a professional, friendly team which consists of Consultant Radiologists, Clinical Scientists, Clinical Technologists/Radiographers, Specialist Nurses and administration staff.

People – Patients come first! On a daily basis you meet with different people of all ages.

Challenges – there is something to challenge you each day, e.g. a patient who requires that extra care, equipment not working correctly. Pride in the job you do.

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