We support leadership development at every level of the organisation.
We support leadership development at every level of the organisation. All programme outcomes are linked explicitly to the NUTH Core, Professional & Leadership Behaviours (PLBs) framework, and there is also alignment to the CQC ‘Well – Led’ and NHS Improvement ‘Developing People – Improving Care’ Frameworks through the focus on embedding an inclusive, compassionate leadership culture.
As summarised by the 2015 Kings Fund report ‘Leadership and Leadership Development in Healthcare; the evidence base’, leadership is the most influential factor in shaping organisational culture and so ensuring the necessary leadership behaviours, strategies and qualities are developed is fundamental.
We have a clear vision, a quality strategy which supports the ethic of continuous improvement and learning, with a desire to nurture a leadership culture, promoting multi professional engagement to deliver its common purpose of providing excellent healthcare. It also recognises that the highest standards of patient care and performance are achieved through the quality of its skilled leaders and managers, all of whom need to work collaboratively and in partnership and across systems to create the services patients increasingly expect, in order to deliver the best outcomes.
Our in-house Leadership and Management Development Offer is based on a multi-professional modular approach that allow leaders and managers to develop their own tailored, personalised pathway. We are also an approved Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Centre and offers a range of accredited qualifications, as well as wide range of bespoke development through seminars, workshops, e-learning, distance learning , experiential activities, and forums.
Accredited qualifications
For those looking to undertake a nationally recognised qualification, opportunities are available from level 2 team leader qualifications through to level 7 post-graduate strategic leadership programmes. Accredited programmes we administer and run include:
- Level 2 Award in Team Leading
- ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership and Management
- ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management
- ILM Level 5 Certificate in Service Improvement
For more information, please see the FAQ's below.

Workplace Coaching
Workplace coaching has been shown to be a highly effective development tool. It can increase an individual’s capability and performance, particularly around complex areas like leading change, dealing with uncertainty and managing challenging behaviours.
At its heart, coaching is a one-to-one relationship between coach and client (or coachee) where the coach is responsible for facilitating the client’s development in a supportive but challenging and non-directive manner. This enables and requires the client to identify their own solutions and actions, ultimately leading to greater understanding, capacity and independence.
Coaching is especially useful when dealing with change and complexity, where issues and challenges are large, multi-faceted and resist simple solutions, helping individuals to arrive at unique solutions that are effective in the context of the client themselves.
Within the Trust, we offer three components essential for the alignment of a coaching culture to wider organisational aims:
- Coaching is available for individuals across the Trust to access, designed to challenge and facilitate growth and development.
- Coaching skills training for staff new to coaching. This is inclusive of a number of internal courses and includes the option to undertake nationally accredited coaching qualifications.
- Ongoing development and supervision for experienced and qualified coaches through an internal coaching network.
Regional and National Leadership Development Programmes
We maintain a long-term membership of the NHS North East Leadership Academy (NELA). NELA aims to continuously develop leaders and managers to improve health services for patients and communities throughout the north east of England. It makes NHS leaders and managers more effective by supporting leadership development and providing opportunities that may be unavailable elsewhere in the NHS.
NELA manages and delivers a wide range of events including workshops, formal development programmes, seminars, master classes and high-profile guest speakers. It supports coaching and mentoring, talent management and organisational development for all staff working in the North East Health and Care Sector
We work alongside the NHS North East Leadership Academy to develop leadership capacity and capability. This is facilitated through a range of open and funded programmes and events delivered across the region.
NELA also administer and provide participation in NHS National Leadership Development programmes including the Edward Jenner, Mary Seacole, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, and Nye Bevan programmes.

Learning from the Forces
We developed a Leadership Development Programme which is open to all senior NHS leaders across the North East. As part of this, funding was secured for two one day events, hosted and facilitated by the Army. The event was called ‘Learning from the Forces’ and provided participants the opportunity to learn some of the well-recognised and respected leadership skills which the British Armed Forces use, their processes for efficient planning and crisis management, enhanced communication skills and gain an increased understanding of resilience, leadership and teamwork. Delegates were required to undertake a number of physical and cerebral activities throughout the day.
The job roles of the NHS delegates ranged massively from consultants to physiotherapists, matrons, (assistant) directorate managers, biomedical scientists, clinical psychologists, senior midwives, senior occupational therapists, (deputy) heads of services, public health registrars and ward managers, graduate management trainees etc. A small number of employees from other organisations also attended the day including Accenture, Reece Group, South Tyneside Homes and the Department for Work & Pensions. We also 8 of our staff who are part of the Armed Forces community help to facilitate on the day.
Some feedback citations from the day were ‘The day was well planned and engaging’, ‘Good way of thinking about skills, well facilitated’, ‘Interesting to see similarities and differences between Armed Forces and NHS’, ‘Healthy competition motivates’.

Medical Education & Training
We provide high quality medical education for all doctors in training. As one of the largest hospital trusts in the UK, we offer training in a wide variety of specialties. Most specialty programmes include one or more rotational posts throughout Newcastle, and we accommodate approximately 25% of trainees within the region.
There is a wealth of learning opportunities available here: at departmental level, at Trust-wide level, and for specialty training at a regional level in collaboration with other Trusts across Health Education North East.
Practitioners come to us from all over the UK - and from as far afield as Egypt and China - to learn the latest techniques and to see best practice in action.
We don’t just train the nurses, doctors and surgeons of tomorrow. We take great pride in the fact they choose to stay with us.
For more information and contact details, please see the FAQ's below.
Frequently asked questions?
ILM: Who are the Institute for Leadership and Management (ILM)?
ILM are the UK’s largest awarding organisation for management qualifications and has helped almost a million leaders and managers improve their skills through qualifications and certified training. ILM offers leaders and managers internationally recognised qualifications that are underpinned by expert learning, delivery and assessment.
ILM: Who are ILM programmes designed for?
The aim of ILM is to enable the Trust to develop managers and leaders at all stages of their career to meet the changing demands of the service. Our programmes are designed for both emerging and practicing leaders, with suitability assessed on an individual basis.
ILM: What do our programmes include?
Our ILM programmes are designed to fit with the modular approach we have taken with much of our leadership development. Course design is modelled on a blended learning approach including workshops, core text, workbooks, tutorials, and e-mail support.
Medical Education: Contact us
You can get more information about Medical Education and Training by emailing the Medical Education Team at MedicalEducation.AdministrationTeam@nuth.nhs.uk.
Alternatively, visit Health Education North East